Fast Track Transition Fast Track Transition Fast Track Transition

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Company Specific Research
We can find comprehensive information including company overviews and history, historical financials, competitors, recent press releases and news articles relevant to the company, key people and their executive bios.

This information can help you prepare for upcoming interviews, decide if a company is a viable option and/or a good fit, or gain access to company decision makers.

Request research on a particular industry(s).
We can support you by offering a list of all the companies that fall into the industry/geography requested. Each list includes company name, address, web address, revenues, and key contact name, title, and direct phone number.

Leverage this information to create a personal marketing strategy that gets your resume in front of decision makers rather than recruiters or corporate gatekeepers. By focusing on decision makers, you direct your campaign towards a more productive job search strategy and limit the amount of time spent on less beneficial search methods such as posting on line or working with recruiters.

The turnaround time for report generation is 2-4 business days.


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